The STARS program (SASED’s Teaching for Autism: Reflecting Success) offers a highly structured learning environment.
Program Age Range: Kindergarten to 8th grade
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Cass Junior High School
8502 Bailey Road
Darien, IL 60561
Phone: (331) 481-4020
ProfileCard:ERROR:Entity with ID #2316035 of type "Cms\Modules\PeopleBundle\Entity\Profile\ProfileProxy" was not found.

Holmes Primary School
5800 South Holmes Avenue
Clarendon Hills, IL 60514
Phone: (630) 515-4810
ProfileCard:ERROR:Entity with ID #2316034 of type "Cms\Modules\PeopleBundle\Entity\Profile\ProfileProxy" was not found.
ProfileCard:ERROR:Entity with ID #2315918 of type "Cms\Modules\PeopleBundle\Entity\Profile\ProfileProxy" was not found.

Maercker Intermediate School
5827 South Cass Avenue
Westmont, IL 60559
Phone: (630) 515-4820
ProfileCard:ERROR:Entity with ID #2315941 of type "Cms\Modules\PeopleBundle\Entity\Profile\ProfileProxy" was not found.
Students are determined to be eligible for the SASED STARS program through the IEP process in their home districts. SASED programs are just one option in the continuum of supports, services and placements available to meet a student’s needs.