Occupational & Physical Therapy

A female occupational therapist is doing rehabilitation with a child patient

Students are determined to be eligible to receive Occupational Therapy and/or Physical Therapy services through the Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan process, which includes a complete and comprehensive evaluation to determine if the skilled intervention by an occupational and/or physical therapist is needed to support the student’s access to their educational program. 

School-based occupational therapy practitioners take a comprehensive approach, focusing on academics, play and leisure, social participation, self-care skills, and transition/work skills. They consider underlying student factors, the environment, and activity demands to promote physical and mental health and well-being, ensuring that all aspects related to participation in their educational setting are addressed. 

School-based physical therapists work with students who have been identified with gross motor, functional mobility, strength/endurance, postural and/or positioning needs that significantly impact the student's ability to participate in their educational program.

OT and/or PT Interventions may focus on educating others, increasing the student’s skills, modifying the environment, adapting task expectations, utilizing adaptive equipment, or combining the above. Services are provided in the student's most natural and least restrictive environment.  Consultation and collaboration with the educational team are essential components of services to ensure that the recommended interventions are implemented daily.

School-based OT and PT services are not intended to replace clinical therapy. Medical diagnoses or issues that do not interfere with a student's ability to access or participate in his/her educational program are not the focus of school-based therapy services. 



Contact Information

Sherilyn Genin

OT/PT Coordinator

Diana Connolly

Administrative Assistant

Melissa Ward

Administrative Assistant